The Boycott Autism Speaks website has a link to an online petition asking corporate partners to stop supporting Autism Speaks. Author John Elder Robison was a member of the board, but he resigned after the release of a PSA describing autism as a thief who will “rob you of your child and your dreams.” Autism Daily Newscast’s report on this story can be found here.īoycott Autism Speaks also objects to research that furthers the theory that vaccines cause autism, and to their support of the Judge Rotenberg Center in Massachusetts, a facility that is currently under investigation by the FDA for using electric shocks as aversive therapy on individuals with autism. They also object to the fact that Autism Speaks does not include any adults with autism on their board of directors. They dislike the way Autism Speaks appropriates the funds they raise, using them to research a “cure,” instead of supporting programs that could help individuals with autism live and work in their homes and communities. They object to the portrayal of autism as a disease that needs to be cured, that destroys lives and families. Down petrol station and stole £10,000 after threatening staff with a gun this afternoon.Boycott Autism Speaks is a group of autistic adults and other advocates who believe that Autism Speaks is a harmful organization. The other assistant initially refused to open the till but finally did so when one of the armed men produced a gun.’ One assistant ran into the back room to phone for help. Then, at 5.20pm, three masked men arrived and demanded the contents of the till. Down and the two staff members were preparing to lock up and go home. ‘It had been a quiet day in Mill Road petrol station in Co. Think of an incident where staff in a petrol station are robbed at gunpoint.

It can almost seem like starting at the end of the story, rather than the beginning. News reporters don’t try to build suspense - they do the opposite and give it all away in the first sentence. Intros should attract the reader’s attention. The first sentence should summarise the story ‘in a nutshell’ and cover key information.Īt least three of the six classic questions (5 Ws and 1 H) - Who, What, Where, When, Why and How – should be answered in the intro. News journalists call the first sentence of a story the ‘intro’, or introduction.