Then, when he sees Sonic in the jungle, Shadow appears to recognise him. The first thing he does after being awakened by Rouge is rescue her from Omega (though Omega was shooting at him too, so he might have just been killing two birds with one stone).
Amnesiac Resonance: Despite his amnesia, Shadow appears to recognize some events from Sonic Adventure 2. Subverted in Team Sonic and Dark's stories, where once the characters' backs are turned, the fake Eggman melts and reforms into Metal Sonic. In Team Sonic's story, the fake Eggman mocks them and reveals it was just a distraction while he prepared and unleashed his Egg Fleet in Team Dark and Rose's stories, it just laughs at them, much to their annoyance. Actually a Doombot: Eggman, after you defeat the Egg Albatross. Most of their levels have a mission-based mechanic where you're asked to complete a certain objective in order to finish instead of running to the end.
Having opened a detective agency since their first adventure, they take on a mysterious client and investigate Dr.
Team Chaotix, consisting of Espio, Charmy, and Vector from the titular 1995 game. Their levels are designed to be the easiest with short length, low enemy count, and generous Power-Up distribution.
Team Rose, consisting of Amy (stalking Sonic yet again), Big the Cat (wants to find his friend Froggy, who's missing again), and Cream the Rabbit (wants to reunite her friend Cheese with his brother). Their levels tend to be the longest and hardest, teeming with the most enemies. Eggman and decides to help him), and Omega (successor to Sonic Adventure's Gamma with a similar sense of independence). Team Dark, consisting of Shadow (amnesiac and seeking answers), Rouge (found Shadow when trying to steal some treasure from Dr.